Full Range of Funeral Services in Ottawa, Orléans
This section contains useful information about what to do when death occurs, funeral etiquette and frequently asked questions about funeral planning services in Ottawa.
Upon the death of a loved one, one of the first things you should do is contact the funeral home. We can then set up a time that is convenient for you to come in and complete the funeral arrangements.If you do not wish to come to the funeral home, we would be pleased to send a licensed funeral director to your home. You should set aside two to three hours for this process.
We understand that during your time of need, you are looking for answers about funeral services in Ottawa. If you need more specific information, please call us at 613-830-2305 or toll-free at 1-866-220-2375. We would be pleased to meet you to discuss your situation—with no obligation, of course.
Planning a Funeral
During this discussion, the funeral director will guide you through all the necessary tasks that need to be performed when a death occurs. The people attending the funeralarrangements conference should include the executor/executrix and any other immediate family members.Legally, we must take our instructions and have all legal papers signed by the executor/executrix of the estate. In most cases, however, the immediate family members make the decisions.We encourage any younger people, children or grandchildren who may want to attend, to come to the arrangement conference as well. We have found their input to be very helpful, at times.
Our team will guide you and your family through the funeral service arrangements. We supply you with detailed information about funeral or ceremony options, pricing, caskets, urns, cremation, outer containers and other merchandise and accessories that may be required. Heritage Funeral Complex offers the services of our Estate Administrator to all families, to help them settle the estate. All options and information will be provided to assist you in making the most informed decisions you can.
We also encourage family members to personalize the funeral so that they might properly capture the essence of the deceased individual’s life. The funeral director can help you accomplish this by offering several ideas we have seen in the past, such as, displaying artwork or photographs of the deceased in the visitation room on a big screen. Should you wish to create a memorial video, we can help you with that.
Our goal is to make every funeral service special and to ensure that you have a complete understanding of all decisions that need to be made.
Please call us locally at 613-830-2305 for any questions you might have about planning funeral services in Ottawa.

When Death Occurs
No matter if a death is sudden, or if it something that was a long time coming, the loss of a loved one makes us feel emotional and overwhelmed. No amount of preparation can fully prepare you for the loss of a loved one. When you are in a heightened emotional state, even the most basic decisions can seem staggering.

Burial Service
Traditionally, a burial service involves a visitation, followed by a funeral service in a church, or other place of worship. The casket is typically present at both these events, and it is your decision on whether to have the casket open or not. You have the option of having the remains interred (earth burial), or it may be entombed in a crypt inside a mausoleum (above ground burial).

Cremation Services
Cremation is an alternative to the burial process and it is chosen by many people because of religious beliefs, the desire to preserve the environment or it was requested by the person who died. The remains are placed in a container that is combustible and placed in a special furnace called a cremation chamber or a crematory where through intense heat is reduced to bone fragments that are then crushed and pulverized to resemble coarse sand.

Eulogies and Obituaries
Giving a meaningful, moving eulogy can be a nerve-wracking situation for even the most accomplished public speaker, but it need not be. How can you summarize somebody’s life in a few short minutes, while being both somber and funny at the same time?

Funeral Etiquette
Like everything in society, funeral etiquette and what is expected of you has evolved over time. As always common sense and good discretion is the best guide to proper funeral etiquette. Here are a few dos and donèts of funeral etiquette.

Funeral Merchandise
See the different product offerings we have.

A funeral is a ceremony for a deceased person prior to burial or cremation. A funeral gives the opportunity for family and friends of the deceased to gather and mourn the passing of their loved one, to share cherished memories and celebrate their life.